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-   Longsword team building
We all use medieval longswords and everyone learns some techniques and half of a fight. The participants then each learn half of a choreographed fight. They can then practice their half of the fight with anyone else that has learned the other half of the fight. At the end of the event, they perform their fight for all of the other participants. 
   -   Renaissance sword team building 
We all use Renaissance swords and daggers and everyone learns some techniques and half of a fight. The participants then each learn half of a choreographed fight. They can then practice their half of the fight with anyone else that has learned the other half of the fight. At the end of the event, they perform their fight for all of the other participants. 


   -   Combat Archery 

Be a quester! Combat Archery combines elements of dodge ball, sword fighting or other combat-type games with the timeless skills of archery. Like Lord of the Rings players take aim at each other with our non-lethal arrows to score points or eliminate opposing team members and there are three foam swords on the field that the players can use. Players will develop team skills and communication to accomplish specified goals in an allotted time limit. All safety equipment is supplied, including foam tipped arrows, foam swords and face masks.


   -   Zombie Apocalypse team building
We use gardening tools and pool noodle equivalents and learn medieval techniques that include two handed swords (using rakes and shovels), wrestling with the sword in some techniques called half-swording (using 'T' handled tools like shovels and pitchforks), and some close range techniques with spades and screwdrivers that are medieval dagger techniques. The last part of the class we break into 2 person teams and the team has to scavenge through the school looking for supplies while the other participants are the 'zombies' and trying to turn the survivors.

In all of these events, the participants need to work together and support each other as they are doing their fights or scavenging for supplies.





For more information on how we can help you and your team, please contact us at and one of our events coordinators will get back to you right away.

Contact us 


Hours of operation:

Monday-Friday 5pm-10pm

Saturday and Sunday 10am-12pm


Monthly Weekend Workshops on the Second Weekend of Every Month

Airsoft Games on the Last Full Weekend of Every Month



395 E. Taylor St,

San Jose, CA 95112


Detailed directions

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